Importance of customer service

In a time where more and more is entrusted to automatic systems, robots and people's own ability to sort things out online, we seem to be losing qualitative customer service. I have noticed it in many fields, from airlines to supermarkets to post service companies. They are focusing on pushing down the prices by letting staff go and putting information and FAQ:s available on websites, so that customers can find the information they need on their own. What some don't realise is that you canät exchange all customer service for easily accessible information online, because it's not everyone's preference to find information like that.


I order a fair deal of products online, because I find it to be very convenient. I have noticed a huge difference in the customer service of different carrier comapnies. Some are below criticism and others are really good. i have had the best experiences with DHL customer service and USPS customer service so far, so I suppose that's my recommendation of the day.

In shops

When shopping out in physical shops the customer service usually depend on the kind of person you meet behind the counter. Some shops demand their staff to be friendly and helpful and will let them go if they cannot live up to the demands. Other shop owners don't seem to care much about customer service at all. I will never buy anything, - no matter how much I want an item - the staff in the shop is not friendly and helpful. I believe it's the least we as customers could ask.

5 Oct 2017